
14 September 2018 | Productivity

4 Ways IT Can Help Your Business Succeed More

IT has a number of benefits for businesses and business owners. We now live in a time where even a small business can compete with larger businesses by taking advantage of modern technology.

In this post, I want to give you a quick overview of some of the benefits our customers get when we serve them with some of our solutions.

1. Work from anywhere

The internet allows your business systems to be accessible from anywhere in the world. Not only can you view summaries and reports of business operations, you can even work on tasks.

As you can imagine, this ensures that your business is consistent in serving your customers. Cloud hosting goes a step further and ensures that your business system is securely available at all times even if you may have power disruptions (I’m not point fingers).

And why leave your customers out of the loop? They too can get access to dedicated views on your business systems. Allowing them to also get access to you and your services from anywhere THEY ARE. How fantastic is that?

2. Automate tasks to free up time and resources

With the right systems in place, you can automate tasks that would otherwise require a person to take the time to work on. Such tasks include having to carefully create invoices, purchase orders, delivery notes… etc, that could otherwise be created as a result of performing a sale or making a order. Why do two tasks to get two outputs when you can do one task to get two outputs.

More and more we are seeing how this accumulation of minor but important repetitive tasks consuming time and resources that could otherwise be spent on helping business owners focus on the most important thing about their business… growing it.

We are particularly beginning to see how useful this is in serving customers with queries about the company or who have support issues that need to be dealt with. The possibilities of creating automated solutions to help your business work more efficiently are endless.

3. Monitor your business’ performance

Sometimes you can get so busily engaged in the day-to-day activities of your business that you sometimes miss the opportunities to evaluate if your efforts are bringing you closer to your goals.

But IT solutions can be designed to alert you when things are not going as you expect so that you can take immediate and corrective action to ensure you get back on track.

Furthermore, the data your company system accumulates over time can be used to asses just how you performing. How your products and services are performing. Go and step further and find out who your best customers are. With such information, you can create customer retention and rewards strategies to make you…

4. Stand out from your competition

This is probably an important one in a market that is getting increasingly competitive. With the right solutions in place, your business will be able to offer more to your customer base without having to spend too much.

Of course, this requires a bit of strategy and creativity, but businesses have learned to leverage the power of the internet to implement a variety of customer-focused experiences.

Probably the most well-known of these experiences is how many walk-in stores now have e-commerce platforms that allow customers to continue buying from businesses even after business hours.

Self-serving mobile and USSD applications that give you the information or service you need without having to interact with any person from the business. Such tools have helped grow the user base of not only Telecommunication companies, but we see the adoption of such strategies by even small businesses.

The cost to implement is often well worth the return of the investment.

To conclude

As time goes, we will continue to see more creative and strategic ways in which businesses are taking advantage of technology. Again, this is often a result of wanting to focus on business growing and not just business operations.

We are already living in a time when small businesses have the processing capacity and even goals of larger ones.

Adroit Technologies is a software company that focuses on building business solutions. We have over a decade’s worth of experience in helping businesses realize their goals and overcoming their business challenges. If you are interested to learn more about what we do, you can head over our solutions page. Or you can get in touch with us.

Leon Kidando

Head Of Product Development

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